Album of Quimper Peninsula Field Trip

Selected photos by Rod Crawford and Laurel Ramseyer from our 1 May 2022 spider collecting trip to sites on the Quimper Peninsula, west of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington. Our first site (an unnamed tract of city-owned forest) and our second site, a formal conservation area called the Quimper West Preserve, both had fine habitats with far above average numbers of spiders, and complemented each other nicely for an overall total of 46 species. You won't hear us Quimpering about that!
2019 aerial photo, north central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington housing development across from first site on Cook Ave., N central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington
Our two sites shown in red      (Jeferson County, 2019) House-building in full swing across the road                 © Laurel Ramseyer
Rod Crawford in woods on Cook Ave., N central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington camel cricket Pristoceuthophilus from woods on Cook Ave., N central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington
Rod makes his way into the woods       © Laurel Ramseyer Laurel found a camel cricket                    © Laurel Ramseyer
bear scat, woods on Cook Ave., N central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington salal understory, woods on Cook Ave., N central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington
A bear has been there          © Laurel Ramseyer Salal understory, a standard spider habitat              © Laurel Ramseyer
alder litter, woods on Cook Ave., N central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington sifting setup, woods on Cook Ave., N central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington
Alder litter found in nice rich pockets     © Rod Crawford The litter found its way into my sifter                     © Rod Crawford
sword fern Polystichum munitum, woods on Cook Ave., N central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington sword fern, Polystichum munitum, woods on Cook Ave., N central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington
Sword fern understory            © Rod Crawford Fern habitat yielded large numbers of spiders          © Laurel Ramseyer
nettle understory, woods on Cook Ave., N central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington moss on stump, woods on Cook Ave., N central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington
Some tracts had nettle understory        © Rod Crawford Some really serious moss on this stump                    © Laurel Ramseyer
mossy alder trunk, woods on Cook Ave., N central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington mossy alder trunk among nettles, woods on Cook Ave., N central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington
Moss on alder trunks highly productive    © Rod Crawford And there was enough of it to go around, too                   © Rod Crawford
female erigonine spider Pelecopsis sculpta, Quimper West Preserve, Jefferson County, Washington alder canopy, woods on Cook Ave., N central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington
Shield-backed Pelecopsis sculpta from moss © Rod Crawford Alder canopy                       © Rod Crawford
entry of Quimper West Preserve, north central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington part of entry sign, Quimper West Preserve, north central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington
Entry gate of Quimper West Preserve  © Laurel Ramseyer Informative quarter of entry sign, Quimper West Preserve      © Rod Crawford
productive grand fir Abies grandis foliage, Quimper West Preserve, north central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington salal litter, Quimper West Preserve, north central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington
Productive trailside grand fir foliage       © Rod Crawford Salal (and other kinds of) leaf litter                     © Rod Crawford
trailside salmonberry, Quimper West Preserve, north central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington trailside grass, Quimper West Preserve, north central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington
Trailside salmonberry             © Rod Crawford Laurel swept good spiders from trailside grass             © Rod Crawford
Rod Crawford on main trail, Quimper West Preserve, north central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington trailside pond in Quimper West Preserve, north central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington
Rod on the trail; note dense growth     © Laurel Ramseyer Pond typifies swampy parts of preserve                     © Rod Crawford
runner on main trail, Quimper West Preserve, north central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington bitter cherry Prunus emarginatus, Quimper West Preserve, north central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington
A runner farther down trail, growth just as dense  © Rod Crawford Bitter cherry, Prunus emarginata                     © Laurel Ramseyer
sign about newts, Quimper West Preserve, north central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington unidentified stonefly, Quimper West Preserve, north central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington
Neighbor posted a newt crossing sign      © Rod Crawford A curious, colorful stonefly                   © Laurel Ramseyer
sign on public bench, Jacob Miller Road, north central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington public bench, Jacob Miller Road, north central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington
Friendly sign, but no mention of spiders    © Rod Crawford A neighbor has made a handy public bench             © Rod Crawford
Roadside Douglas-fir, Jacob Miller Road, north central Quimper Peninsula, Jefferson County, Washington water from Edmonds-Kingston Ferry, 1 May 2022
Roadside Douglas-fir added its share of species    © Rod Crawford Ferry carried us across the water, going & coming           © Laurel Ramseyer

This page last updated 9 May, 2022