Album of West Twin River Field Trip

Selected photos by Rod Crawford and Joy Liu from our 7 May 2012 spider collecting trip to a little-known stretch of public beach beside the mouth of West Twin River on the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The beach habitats were not very diverse but were fairly pristine and made for a pleasant outing with 20 species collected; we supplemented the collection at a nearby upland grassy field for 34 species in all (possibly 40 including some old records from 1984).
beach at West Twin River, Clallam County, Washington, 2009 aerial photo on Edmonds-Kingston Ferry on 7 May 2012
River mouth & beach from the air    (Clallam County, 2009) View from the ferry                   © Rod Crawford
Joy Liu on Edmonds-Kingson Ferry, 7 May 2012 Port Angeles Log Yard, Clallam County, Washington
Joy enjoys her ferry ride          © Rod Crawford Sights along the way: Port Angeles Log Yard           © Joy Liu
sign for "Itsa Creek" near Joyce, Clallam County, Washington overview of beach at West Twin River, Clallam County, Washington
More sights along the way: amusing sign      © Joy Liu Overview of our beach site               © Rod Crawford
Rod Crawford descends to beach at West Twin River, Clallam County, Washington Joy Liu on beach at West Twin River, Clallam County, Washington
Rod clambers down to the beach        © Joy Liu Joy starts hunting wolf spiders               © Rod Crawford
sand on beach at West Twin River, Clallam County, Washington wrack on beach at West Twin River, Clallam County, Washington
Sand habitat         © Rod Crawford Narrow band of wrack habitat on beach         © Rod Crawford
Honckenya peploides on beach at West Twin River, Clallam County, Washington beach meadow zone, beach at West Twin River, Clallam County, Washington
Honckenya peploides on sand             © Rod Crawford Beach meadow habitat               © Rod Crawford
foolish warning sign, beach at West Twin River, Clallam County, Washington well-vegetated bluff, beach at West Twin River, Clallam County, Washington
The Nanny State in action…            © Rod Crawford …warning us off the lushly vegetated beach bluff           © Rod Crawford
mayfly from beach at West Twin River, Clallam County, Washington Pillar Point from beach at West Twin River, Clallam County, Washington
Mayfly from beach meadow       © Joy Liu Pillar Point in the distance                       © Rod Crawford
root ball on beach at West Twin River, Clallam County, Washington deserted beach at West Twin River, Clallam County, Washington
Joy marveled at this root ball        © Joy Liu The beach was pleasantly deserted              © Joy Liu
Rod Crawford sifting leaf litter on beach at West Twin River, Clallam County, Washington Rod Crawford scans ground on beach at West Twin River, Clallam County, Washington
Rod sifting beach litter           © Joy Liu Rod scans the meadow in vain for jumping spiders             © Joy Liu

We supplemented the beach sample with upland spiders from this grassy roadside field.

grass, roadside field above Sadie Creek, Clallam County, Washington roadside field above Sadie Creek, Clallam County, Washington
Grass field surface: Pardosa habitat       © Rod Crawford Our grassy field habitat         © Rod Crawford
Joy Liu in roadside field above Sadie Creek, Clallam County, Washington salal Gaultheria shallon, roadside field above Sadie Creek, Clallam County, Washington
Joy returns to car with netfull of spiders  © Rod Crawford Rich salal habitat                © Rod Crawford
moss on tree, roadside field above Sadie Creek, Clallam County, Washington leaf litter, roadside field above Sadie Creek, Clallam County, Washington
Moss-festooned tree trunk            © Rod Crawford Leaf litter of vinemaple & alder                 © Rod Crawford

This page last updated 23 June, 2012