Album of Schafer Grade Pond Field Trip

Selected photos by Rod Crawford and Laurel Ramseyer from our 13 April 2024 spider collecting trip (with Kathy Whaley) to pond and forest sites along Schafer Grade Road in Grays Harbor County, Washington. We collected mainly around an unnamed pond beside the private road (an offshoot of Cougar Smith Road), but hit other sites in passing, with a nice boost to our sample back near the gate. Our day's total was 41 species.
2021 aerial photo of Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington Green Diamond gate on Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington
White dots, Schafer Grade Road; red dots, our collecting sites
(Grays Harbor County, 2021)
We hiked a mile beyond Green Diamond gate on the road       © Rod Crawford
sign on Green Diamond gate, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington Laurel and Kathy almost ready to go, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington
Access allowed                 © Rod Crawford Kathy and Laurel almost ready to roll                    © Rod Crawford
yellow violets, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington pond on Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington
Yellow violets. Food plant for anyone?   © Laurel Ramseyer Finally, the pond!                   © Rod Crawford
Rod Crawford sifting leaf litter by roadside, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington leaf litter poor in spiders, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington
Rod sifting litter by roadside               © Laurel Ramseyer Pond-bank alder litter was very spider-poor           © Rod Crawford
Kathy Whaley sorting a beat sample, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington fern understory, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington
Kathy got a quite decent beat sample…     © Rod Crawford …from the abundant sword fern understory                  © Rod Crawford
bridge over nameless creek, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington nameless creek crossing Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington
New bridge over nameless creek        © Laurel Ramseyer The nameless creek the new bridge crossed                      © Rod Crawford
moss good for sifting, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington west end of pond, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington
Good moss for sifting on alder trunk      © Rod Crawford West end of the pond                       © Rod Crawford
mossy alder trunks, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington riparian understory, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington
Mossy alder trunks by creek         © Rod Crawford Riparian understory that Laurel swept                 © Laurel Ramseyer
male of common Theridion sexpunctatum, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington western hemlock and salal beside Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington
Male Theridion sexpunctatum, arguably our commonest spider
© Laurel Ramseyer
Western hemlock & salal foliage                      © Rod Crawford
Devil's club, spring form, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington invasive Himalayan blackberry, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington
Spring rising of devil's club          © Laurel Ramseyer Alas, invasive blackberry is established                   © Rod Crawford
Sitka spruce trunk, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington roadside Trillium ovatum plants, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington
Sitka spruce trunk; spiders under bark scales    © Laurel Ramseyer Roadside trillia                    © Laurel Ramseyer
male spider Cryphoeca exlineae from spruce bark, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington licorice ferns on swamp alder, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington
Cryphoeca exlineae from spruce bark   © Laurel Ramseyer Rain-forest-like fern growth on swamp alder                   © Rod Crawford
juvenile spider Callobius pictus under spruce bark, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington male spider ceraticelus sp. #2 from guardrail, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington
Callobius pictus under spruce bark      © Laurel Ramseyer Male Ceraticelus #2 from a guardrail                © Rod Crawford
female Nesticus silvestrii from moss, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington alder swamp end of wetland east of pond, Schafer Grade Road, Grays Harbor County, Washington
Nesticus silvestrii from moss             © Rod Crawford Alder-swemp end of wetland                   © Rod Crawford
juvenile spider Trogloneta species from spruce bark,  Schafer Grade road, Grays Harbor County, Washington marsh end of wetland east of pond, Schafer Grade road, Grays Harbor County, Washington
Juvenile Trogloneta from spruce bark   © Laurel Ramseyer Marsh/fen end of wetland                     © Rod Crawford
female and male spiders Neriene digna in copula, Schafer Grade road, Grays Harbor County, Washington dusk in south Seattle on 13 April 2024
Pair of Neriene digna in copula         © Laurel Ramseyer Red line of dusk as we approach home               © Rod Crawford

This page last updated 28 April, 2024