Album of Smith Prairie Field Trip

Selected photos from the spider collecting field trip to a remnant of natural prairie in eastern Thurston County, Washington on 7 June 2007 with Laurel Ramseyer and Rod Crawford. Photos by both, as credited. Nearly all of the original Smith Prairie is altered, being now used for housing, agriculture or timber production, but these two sizeable chunks (one north and one south of Bald Hill Road) were found using aerial photos, and yielded 47 species in one day!

2005 aerial photo, Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington tall-grass meadow in remnant of  Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington
Prairie remnants (2005 Thurston County aerial
photo). Forest to sides was logged about 2006.
Tall grass meadow south of road              © Rod Crawford
Tibellus oblongus male crab spider Thomisidae Philodrominae, Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington grass in remnant of  Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington
Tibellus oblongus male         © Rod Crawford Many species were swept from this grass        © Rod Crawford
anthill Formica obscuripes in remnant of  Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington remnant of  Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington
Formica obscuripes anthill       © Laurel Ramseyer Shady corner of meadow               © Rod Crawford
fence post in remnant of  Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington Bassaniana utahensis crab spider Thomisidae, Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington
Old fence posts were jumping spider habitat
© Laurel Ramseyer
Bassaniana utahensis female           © Rod Crawford
orb web of Cyclosa turbinata Araneidae, Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington Cyclosa turbinata orbweaver Araneidae, Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington
Cyclosa turbinata web       © Laurel Ramseyer Cyclosa turbinata female                © Rod Crawford
remnant of  Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington female Cyclosa turbinata orbweaver Araneidae, Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington
Grass-level view of clouds     © Laurel Ramseyer Another Cyclosa turbinata from side        © Rod Crawford
Nicrophorus vespilloides carrion burying beetle Silphidae, Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington short-tailed weasel remains, Mustela erminea, Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington
Nicrophorus vespilloides, carrion beetle
© Laurel Ramseyer
Pop goes the (short-tailed) weasel        © Laurel Ramseyer
Oregon ash tree Fraxinus latifolia in remnant of  Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington Oregon ash tree Fraxinus latifolia in remnant of  Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington
Oregon Ash tree in meadow     © Rod Crawford Base of ash tree               © Rod Crawford
Oregon ash foliage Fraxinus latifolia, Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii trunk in forest, Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington
Oregon Ash foliage     © Rod Crawford Big Douglas-fir in forest north of road        © Rod Crawford
Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii at edge of remnant of  Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington understory habitat in forest, Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington
Douglas-fir foliage habitat    © Rod Crawford Rich understory habitat in forest fringe      © Rod Crawford
Microlinyphia mandibulata female sheetweb weaver Linyphiidae, Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington meadow of short and tall grass and Mahonia in remnant of  Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington
Microlinyphia mandibulata     © Rod Crawford Smaller meadow north of road        © Rod Crawford
meadow of short and tall grass and Mahonia in remnant of  Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington Aculepeira orbweaver male, Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington
Higher quality prairie remnant      © Rod Crawford Undescribed prairie Aculepeira species        © Rod Crawford
Carterocephalus palaemon Hesperiidae, Arctic skipper, roadside skipper, Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington stand of Mahonia sp. Oregon Grape in remnant of  Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington
Carterocephalus palaemon      © Laurel Ramseyer Large Oregon grape stand in north meadow    © Rod Crawford
camas Camassia quamash in remnant of  Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington meadow of short and tall grass and Mahonia in remnant of  Smith Prairie, Thurston County, Washington
Camas in south meadow   © Laurel Ramseyer North meadow, Laurel sweeping in distance    © Rod Crawford

This page last updated 29 March, 2012