Album of Stan Hedwall Park Field Trip

Selected photos by Rod Crawford from my 6 March 2015 spider collecting trip with Jessi Bishopp to a large park on the outskirts of Chehalis, Lewis County, Washington. In advance research, much of the park area appeared to be natural habitat. Alas, all the habitats were invaded by blackberry. Every habitat was degraded, some by invasives and some by flooding, but by dint of long hard work we managed to get a decent sample of 36 species, with several interesting records.
2009 aerial photo of Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington
Stan Hedwall Park        (Lewis County, 2009) Picnic shelter was a habitat                © Rod Crawford
high wall of himalayan blackberry, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington lawn and grassland, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington
Wall of blackberry at edge of woods            © Rod Crawford Lawn gives way to quasi-natural grassland               © Rod Crawford
bigleaf maple leaf litter, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington ravine at edge of woods, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington
The only maple litter I could reach       © Rod Crawford Ravine with impenetrable blackberry       © Rod Crawford
bridge to forest trail, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington himalayan blackberry invading floodplain forest, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington
Bridge to woods trail (not really an island)  © Rod Crawford Blackberry also in mid-woodland        © Rod Crawford
Jessi Bishopp seeks moss to sift in alder woods, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington trail through alder-cottonwood woods, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington
Jessi forages for moss to sift         © Rod Crawford Beside the trail through the "island"             © Rod Crawford
Mt. St. Helens viewed from Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington Jessi Bishopp beating red cedar foliage, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington
Mt. St. Helens actually has snow!       © Rod Crawford Jessi sorts through a cedar-beat sample              © Rod Crawford
track repair machinery on BN tracks, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington railroad embankment, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington
I've been workin' on the railroad         © Rod Crawford Railroad embankment and adjacent grassland           © Rod Crawford
trackside tree, W edge of Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington sweepable grass habitat, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington
Track-side tree          © Rod Crawford Sweepable grass with fewer blackberries          © Rod Crawford
Jessi Bishopp sorting a sweep sample, W edge of Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington long-toed salamander Ambystoma macrodactylum under log, W edge of Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington
Jessi sorting a sweep sample       © Rod Crawford Ambystoma macrodactylum, long-toed salamander        © Rod Crawford
Jesi Bishopp sorting a spruce beat sample, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington spruce foliage, tree planted in lawn, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington
Jessi sorts a spruce-beat sample        © Rod Crawford Rich spruce foliage             © Rod Crawford
conifer tree in oak savanna, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington garry oak tree Quercus garryana, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington
Nice conifer to beat? Jessi had to brave a horrendous blackberry thicket to reach it      © Rod Crawford Barren canopy of a Garry oak tree              © Rod Crawford
oak leaf litter, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington female sac spider Clubionidae Clubiona kastoni from oak litter, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington
Oak litter               © Rod Crawford Clubiona kastoni from oak litter             © Rod Crawford
mossy, ferny tree trunk in oak savanna, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington oak-maple savanna, Stan Hedwall Park, Lewis County, Washington
Mossy-ferny trunk, also inaccessible        © Rod Crawford Oak-maple-grass savanna-like habitat              © Rod Crawford

This page last updated 10 March, 2015