Album of North Fork Tilton River Field Trip

Selected photos by Rod Crawford from a 12 May 2024 spider collecting trip with Kathy Whaley to a riparian site within (but not entirely belonging to) a jointly administered section of national forest in Lewis County, Washington. Our main site was at a bridge over the North Fork Tilton River. It being a warm and lazy day, perhaps we weren't quite as hard-working collectors as usual; and after leaving our main site we tried in vain to find a medium-aged clearcut with regrowth where I could get a good conifer foliage sample. But we got an adequate 27-28 species, including some good ones.
2021 airphoto of collecting site on North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington scene of our field site, North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington
Red dot marks site on N. Fork Tilton River     (Lewis County, 2021) The scene is set for a day of spider collecting                 © Rod Crawford
bleedingheart Dicentra formosa at North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington bridge across North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington
Dicentra formosa            © Rod Crawford Our site was adjacent to this bridge               © Rod Crawford
grassy roadside verge, North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington downstream of bridge, North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington
Kathy swept the grassy roadside verge     © Rod Crawford North Fork Tilton downstream of the bridge                   © Rod Crawford
spider Crustulina sticta swept from grass, North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington spider Pityohyphantes tacoma beaten from conifer foliage, North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington
Kathy swept this Crustulina sticta from grass…     © Rod Crawford …and beat this Pityohyphantes tacoma from conifers         © Rod Crawford
Kathy Whaley sorting a conifer beat sample, North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington roadside western hemlock foliage, North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington
Kathy sorting a conifer beat sample        © Rod Crawford Roadside western hemlock foliage, a good habitat               © Rod Crawford
bridge sign shot full of holes, North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington gravel bar visible from bridge, North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington
Someone was too cheap to buy a target   © Rod Crawford We found no safe route down to this tantalizing gravel bar    © Rod Crawford
carapace of Hexura picea spider from leaf litter, North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington alder-cottonwood leaf litter, North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington
Carapace of Hexura picea, numerous here  © Rod Crawford Alder-cottonwood leaf litter, rather productive              © Rod Crawford
leaf litter, North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington female crab spider Ozyptila pacifica, North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington
More leaf litter               © Rod Crawford Ozyptila pacifica, sifted from litter                 © Rod Crawford
tree trunk moss, North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington spring foliage in riparian canopy, North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington
Tree trunk moss               © Rod Crawford Spring foliage in the riparian canopy                     © Rod Crawford
location of ridge crest site, above North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington road switchback, above North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington
Lower red dot marks 2nd site on ridge      © Rod Crawford We beat 2 more species at a switchback on the ridge            © Rod Crawford
conifers along a trail above North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington road-end trail above North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington
I found a few more conifers to beat           © Rod Crawford End of logging road becomes a trail                       © Rod Crawford
some water cascades near our last site, above North Fork Tilton River, Lewis County, Washington sun setting in south Seattle, 12 May 2024
Water cascading near our last site           © Rod Crawford Sun setting as we near home                  © Rod Crawford

This page last updated 20 May, 2024