Album of Winston Creek Field Trip

Selected photos by Rod Crawford and Laurel Ramseyer from our 9 June 2024 spider collecting trip with Kathy Whaley to the floodplain forest in Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington. The spider habitats, leaf litter, moss, (especially) sword fern understory, streamside cobbles and grass, were excellent, and in all we got 43 species including some uncommon or unfamiliar ones. Our green sylvan surroundings were lovely and peaceful. Nothing went wrong!
area of 9 June 2024 spider field trip to Winston Creek, Lewis County, Washington Salkum Cemetery, Lewis County, Washington
Red circle, abortive site; red dot, campground site (Lewis County 2021) First stop, Salkum Cemetery                      © Laurel Ramseyer
super-tall grass beside Salkum Cemetery, Lewis County, Washington nameless tributary of Winston Creek, Lewis County, Washington
Super-tall (neck deep) grass by cemetery   © Rod Crawford This creek came between us & first planned site            © Rod Crawford
Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington woods beside Salkum Cemetery, Lewis County, Washington
Winston Creek Campground             © Rod Crawford Conifer forest on picnic-table plateau              © Laurel Ramseyer
bigleaf maple, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington floodplain with maple, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington
Bigleaf maple tree                © Rod Crawford Maple-dominated floodplain in campground             © Rod Crawford
steps up to campsite, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington trailhead where we parked, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington
Stairway up to our "campsite"        © Rod Crawford Our chariot parked at a trailhead                     © Rod Crawford
sifting litter and moss at picnic table, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington Kathy Whaley sorting beat sample at picnic table, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington
Picnic table for 2 (sifters)                © Laurel Ramseyer Kathy sorting fern beat between sifters                 © Rod Crawford
mossy maple trunk, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington maple leaf litter, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington
Moss came from maple trunks         © Rod Crawford Maple leaf litter was everywhere                     © Rod Crawford
female spider Thymoites camano from fern foliage, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington endless stand of forest understory sword fern, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington
Thymoites camano from fern foliage        © Rod Crawford Endless vista of sword-fern understory                 © Laurel Ramseyer
Scolopocryptops sexspinosus from leaf litter, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington female paeromopodid millipede from moss, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington
Head (ventral) of Scolopocryptops sexspinosus      © Rod Crawford Female paeromopodid millipede from moss               © Laurel Ramseyer
Xysticus crab spider from moss, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington female micro-spider Agyneta perspicua from fern foliage, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington
Xysticus sifted from moss             © Laurel Ramseyer Tiny, uncommon Agyneta perspicua from fern foliage            © Rod Crawford
nurse stump, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington diverse understory herbs, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington
Nurse stump                  © Rod Crawford Diverse understory herbs                      © Rod Crawford
tipulidae crane flies on outhouse, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington creek bank at edge of Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington
Mating crane flies on outhouse          © Laurel Ramseyer Bank of Winston Creek, just outside campground             © Laurel Ramseyer
herb Oxalis oregana on forest floor, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington female spider Bathyphantes malkini on stream cobble, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington
Oxalis oregana on forest floor              © Rod Crawford Bathyphantes malkini under stream cobble               © Laurel Ramseyer
red cedar foliage Thuja plicata at Salkum Cemetery, Lewis county, Washington carapace of wolf spider Pirata piraticus from under stream cobble, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington
Red cedar foliage                 © Laurel Ramseyer Pirata piraticus from under stream cobble                    © Rod Crawford
juvenile Cybaeus spider from under stream cobble, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington cobbles on bank of Winston Creek, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington
Cybaeus under stream cobble      © Laurel Ramseyer Assorted, but mostly smaller stream cobbles                © Laurel Ramseyer
Winston Creek just west of Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington male Ozyptila pacifica crab spider on stream cobble, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington
Lovely streamside scene          © Laurel Ramseyer Male Ozyptila pacifica on top of stream cobble            © Laurel Ramseyer
grassy swale beside Winston Creek, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington spider Tetragnatha versicolor from riparian grass, Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington
Shady creekside grassy swale            © Laurel Ramseyer Tetragnatha versicolor swept from creekside           © Laurel Ramseyer
roadside grass by entrance of Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington minimal Douglas-fir foliage by entrance of Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington
Plenty of roadside grass by camp entrance  © Rod Crawford Minimal Douglas-fir foliage produced almost nothing          © Rod Crawford
roadside rocks by entrance of Winston Creek Campground, south central Lewis County, Washington Causeway across an arm of Mayfield Reservoir, Lewis County, Washington
I found nothing under roadside rocks      © Rod Crawford On the highway causeway across Mayfield Reservoir          © Rod Crawford

This page last updated 9 July, 2024