Quotations from the Writings of
Melville H. Hatch
Coleopterist, Historian of Science, Philosopher, Founder of
The Scarabs
1898 - 1988
See the publications list for detailed references to the writings cited below. Quotations are arranged in 10 categories. To jump to any category click on it in this list:
Beetles |
Science |
Himself |
Religion |
"A tiny creature from one to 150 millimeters in length combining in unbelievable
perfection the advantages of an aerial and a terrestrial animal."
"Beetles themselves display practically no tendency to form colonies of
their own and have remained in general 'rugged individualists.'"
"The surface of the ocean, inhabited by Halobates (Hemiptera),
and the deeper waters of lakes, rivers, and to a slight extent, of the ocean,
inhabited by dipterous and other gill-breathing insect larvae, are practically
the only insect habitats uninhabited by Coleoptera."
of Coleoptera (1925)
"Late in June of 1933 my good friend, Mr. M.C. Lane of Walla Walla, Washington,
was on his vacation collecting beetles in the dense evergreen forest back of
Seaside, on the coast of Clatsop County in extreme northwestern Oregon. He was
after 'big game.' And he got it.
"The previous
September Mr. Lane had taken in the same locality a single specimen of the remarkable
blind pterostichid, Anilloferonia Van Dyke, but he had not recognized
his prize until he got home. Now he was back after more. He found them!
"In small rodent
tunnels under twelve or fourteen inch logs sunk two-thirds of their diameter
in the damp forest floor, the remnants of a long deserted lumber camp, Mr. Lane
took a series of the Anilloferonia, which proved to be distinct from
Van Dyke's species described from Mt. Adams. What is more extraordinary still,
he found in the same situation two specimens of an undescribed blind genus of
Remarkable Blind Beetles from Northwestern Oregon (1935)
"One of my best lectures in entomology was nearly disrupted by one of
these little beetles, walking across the floor... Professor Kincaid tells how
the beetles flew in through the windows of an ice plant in Tacoma and fell into
the vats of freezing water. When the ice melted in the refrigerators of the
customers of the company, the result was most unfortunate!"
Malodorous Ground Beetle (1931)
"Entomologists will recognize in Coniontis, Eleodes, Dyslobus,
and Brachyrhinus very resistant beetles that often endure many hours
in the cyanide bottle before being overcome, and the suggestion is probably
not without merit that the virulent toxicity of the venom of the Black Widow
is correlated with the 'tough' nature of its prey."
on the Food of the Black Widow Spider (1934)
"I conclude my discussion of these ectoparasitic beetles with the suggestion
that the apparent rarity of some of the species is perhaps due to the failure
of mammalogists and other trappers of small mammals to examine their recently
dead specimens with sufficient care to discover the beetles. Perhaps beetle
collectors should trap their own mammals!"
Beetles in the Fauna of the Pacific Northwest (1958)
"The beetles that to the general public are primarily a matter of interest
without fear of their harmfulness are only 3 or 4 in number in Seattle. I have
a formula for identifying them on the telephone. If it is brown without stripes
and about 3 inches long it is the pine sawyer, Ergates spiculatus LeC.
If it is about 2 inches long and the stripes run crosswise, it is the California
laurel borer, Rosalia funebris Mots. If it is about an inch long and
the stripes run lengthwise, it is the ten-lined June beetle, Polyphylla decemlineata
Say. If it is the size of a lady bug and golden in color, it is the golden
tortoise beetle, Metriona bicolor F."
Cultural Value of Beetles (1967)
"The joy and excitement of beetle-collecting must be experienced to be
fully appreciated; the freshness and the beauty of the countryside, the exhilaration
of the physical exertion, the continual gamble that each new stone or hedgerow
will reveal some unexpected rarity, the scientific interest of studying these
complex insects, the satisfaction of seeing one's collection of these living
jewels grow under one's hand."
"I ask you to accompany me on a typical beetle hunt. We are sweeping the
grass and other herbage with our sweep nets for the multitude of small beetles
feeding on the herbage itself like the leaf beetles and weevils, on the microscopic
mold which frequently grows on the damp grass like the minute Latridiidae, or
on the multitudinous plant lice like the lady beetles. The roots of grass or
the underside of boards and stones are searched for ground beetles or rove beetles.
Tiger beetles are to be stalked by long-handled nets, gravel bars and mud flats
examined for ground beetles or rove beetles or Heteroceridae and the still waters
of lake-side or stream-side pools searched for water beetles. And still to be
mentioned are the 'delights' of the finds to be made under a recently dead carcass
or a newly deposited pile of dung.
"What have
we gained? First of all, the Emersonian delight in nature has flowed in upon
us. But beyond this, there has been the satisfaction of making contact with
a particular division of nature; and this is a satisfaction that is not terminated
by a single day's outing, but lingers with us and is enjoyed over and over again
as our little jewel-like creatures are mounted and labeled and sorted and resorted,
accompanied by an increasing understanding of what we have obtained."
Cultural Value of Beetles (1967)
"A novel and probably not very appealing notion would be the establishment
of a 'beetle garden.' How would such a garden be organized? I envisage the placing
of numerous boards and stones, around which and in the vicinity of walls the
grass would not be clipped at all closely. A judiciously selected log or so
would grace the background, with the cultivation of wild flowers known to be
attractive to the emerging beetles. Fresh cattle dung might be too objectionable
to provide, but small carcasses would be in order, protected if possible, from
the neighborhood cats. Small stands of plants especially attractive to certain
beetles might be provided: dock, alder, willow, elm, skunk cabbage, asparagus,
clover, potato, though the garden should not become an objectionable center
for the dispersal of pest species! Moreover, on the small scale on which such
a 'beetle garden' would operate, hand picking could probably easily be resorted
to to keep certain of the populations under control. At the other extreme, it
is equally obvious that only small samples of each species could be taken by
the collector for his collection. The very laudable tendency of the properly
conditioned beetle collector to collect all the specimens in sight would have
to be kept under control. The establishment and operation of such a garden would
call into play the full range of the 'gardener's' knowledge of beetles."
Cultural Value of Beetles (1967)
"The endless variability and structure of these lovely little creatures
that search of garden and meadow and woodland reveals is, for the initiated,
a never-ending source of delight. And when we penetrate the matter further and
begin to enter into an understanding of the diverse ways in which this wonderful
structure adapts these little creatures to their very diverse ways of life,
we are approaching the heart of nature. Whatever our theology, whether we view
these lovely creatures as the manifestation of a supreme Author of Nature or
whether we view these and other manifestations of nature as ultimately inexplicable,
the study or contemplation of them in any of its aspects must be regarded as
one of the highest and most worthy pastimes in which cultivated human beings
can engage."
Cultural Value of Beetles (1967)
"Insects represent a great resource of pleasure and enjoyment the extent
of which is now only partially realized."
Aesthetic Value of Entomology (1961)
"I am sure that anyone like myself who likes to write keys has had the
experience of mulling over the genera or species to be analyzed in a particular
key. Gradually one marshals in his mind or on his work papers the characters
involved, the varying degrees of likeness that they indicate, and the clarity
and lack of ambiguity with which they may be expressed in words... Finally the
details fall into line and one goes to press. The analysis shapes up in logical
decisive form. This, I submit, is another source of aesthetic satisfaction that
entomology holds in store for its devotees...
"Do not misunderstand
me, not all keys have the happy outcome just described! Sometimes the material
is refractory - the data are inadequate or the lines of cleavage unclear. Sometimes
the writer or the user of the key gives the matter insufficient patience and
study and the result is uncertainty and frustration. There is then a deficiency
of aesthetic satisfaction."
Aesthetic Value of Entomology (1961)
"Human representations of insects may be better or worse, more adequate
or less adequate, more beautiful or less beautiful. But, when it comes to the
insects themselves, I suggest this may not be the case. Some kinds of insects
may be larger or more streamlined or more colorful than other insects, some
may be more or less harmful or beneficial, but I doubt whether, in any legitimate
sense of the term, one species of insect can be considered to be any more beautiful
than any other species."
Aesthetic Value of Entomology (1961)
"Nothing is more useful than wings when one wants to go somewhere rapidly
and efficiently. Nothing is more annoying when one wants to busy himself with
affairs on the ground. An airplane in heavy street traffic epitomizes the problem
that these first winged insects faced."
"Human society, we hope, is still capable of modification. The honey bee's
society has already achieved all of which it seems capable."
Origin and Evolution of the Honey Bee (1950)
"He who has failed to follow Fabre's hunting wasps over the countryside
of southern France or to explore the ways of the dung-rolling Scarabaeus
has not availed himself of one of the choicest experiences that entomology has
to offer."
Aesthetic Value of Entomology (1961)
"When man first began to harvest his grain and store it away in jars or
bins he established conditions that were favorable for the multiplication of
a group of beetles and moths that up to that time had led a rather inconspicuous
existence in certain natural habitats."
Biology of Stored Grain Insects (1942)
"The grain elevator, the flour mill, the grocery store, the housewife's
kitchen are simply an enormous insect habitat extending its tentacles into all
portions of the wheat-consuming world."
Biology of Stored Grain Insects (1942)
"Many of our most serious pests are introduced: our household and stored-product
insects, as well as most of those species living in close association with cultivated
plants. Nor is this strange when it is reflected that the white man himself
and nearly all his domesticated plants and animals are emigrants from elsewhere."
Century of Entomology in the Pacific Northwest (1949)
"...it is better to have studied the insects briefly than not at all..."
Aesthetic Value of Entomology (1961)
"Ours was to be a social group where it would not be out of order to talk
about beetles!"
No. 3, June 1947
"Scarab Minsk has preserved a sphinx-like silence since she left us last
No. 1, August 1946
"The Daileys are expecting an addition to their family in January. Here's
hoping it's a coleopterist!"
No. 2, December 1946
"The news from Scarabs is one of continued if unexciting activity."
No. 9, June 1952
"And we continue to discuss everything from beetles to nudism, foldboating,
and the nature of human destiny and of God!"
No. 10, June 1957
"The writer still remembers himself standing around the school house door
at recess time waiting for the bell to ring that would readmit him to the building!"
to Research (1938)
"I have nightmares about hairy caterpillars, just as may the most timid
Cultural Value of Beetles (1967)
"The author well remembers that at no time did he appear to himself to
have so encompassed human knowledge and wisdom as during his senior year in
high school! He must have presented a rather amusing and perhaps somewhat irksome
spectacle to both his parents and teachers, but he does not recall that his
somewhat exaggerated self-esteem was any real barrier to the widening perspectives
of his college years."
in the High School (1952)
"I got very little of inspiration from any of my university professors.
I didn't need that because I had my inspiration already. But such soundness
of scholarship as I possess came from their instruction."
to Research (1938)
"I went into university work because of interest in zoology and other
intellectual matters from the standpoint of research and teaching, and I find
these interests in important measure frustrated by personnel, budgetary, and
departmental house-keeping problems. What dubious satisfaction comes from having
a greater share in formulating policy is more than offset by this factor."
No. 4, December 1947; on his stint as Zoology Department chairman
"There are, in all probability, stolid self-satisfied individuals whose
mental processes are as sure, as unfeeling, and as certain as the action of
a calculating machine... But, in my own case, I find my research is as nervous
and as fitful as a wild colt. Some weeks, some months, even some years it goes
fine and I accomplish a prodigious amount. And then again it is otherwise...
If one discovers that he works in streaks and starts, he should learn to utilize
those moods to the utmost when they are upon him. The other times, then, may
not be quite so dissatisfying."
to Research (1938)
"And this leads me to my own pet project ... Beetles of the Pacific
Northwest. The work has received various sorts of criticism - not in print
and not to my face, but by way of innuendo by round-about routes. Why was I
wasting my energy on such a study instead of a continent-wide or world-wide
specialization on a smaller group? Did I not realize that general phylogenetic
or taxonomic principles could not emerge from concentration on sympatric species
usually more or less distantly related to each other; and no one should study
insects just to distinguish species? Or did I know that the public interested
in using my book was far too small to justify such a labor? --this from a person
publishing on a minute widely distributed group of insects in which probably
not more than half a dozen other persons were interested! ...If there were only
a few who would use my book at first, I felt that its very existence would attract
others to the study and would stimulate the very amateurism whose low ebb we
deplore. But I would make errors... Some of my errors, I might hope, would be
trivial. Some would make me most unhappy!"
Aesthetic Value of Entomology (1961)
"The characterization of man as the religious animal probably comes nearer
to distinguishing him in terms of a single unique trait than does reference
to any other characteristic."
in a Post-Kantian World (1961)
"In some way religion lacks the techniques that science possesses for
attaining agreement. The great religious wars of the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries and the present multiplicity of religious sects were some of the results."
in a Post-Kantian World (1961)
"The practice of religious freedom should consist of more than one's supercilious
permission to his neighbor to hold to any silly system of superstitions that
he may desire. One must come to an active sympathy for others' religious views
which may spring from a realization that different religious practices are only
different approaches to the worship of the Most High."
in a Post-Kantian World (1961)
"But it is one thing to discover mythology in the other fellow's religion
and another thing to find it in one's own!"
in a Post-Kantian World (1961)
"In short, our early ancestor believed himself an object of concern to
the gods, to stand in a transcendently significant and important relationship
to the world in which he found himself. At times even death came to be looked
upon as merely an illusion. All this gave early man the courage both to live
and to die for what appeared to be the proper cause.
"We reject
the supernatural explanation that primitive man was in intuitive contact with
divine agencies. Rather it is suggested that societies the constituent individuals
of which held such views were favored by natural selection because an outlook
of this sort gave a social stability that otherwise was lacking. The feeling
that, if he behaved properly, he might become the special care and concern of
the supreme powers of the universe gave primitive man a sense of security that
enabled him to meet the hazards to which every society is subject in a manner
that would otherwise have been impossible."
and the Crisis (1943)
"Only in the worship of a supremely good God can man hope to find the
strength to lead a really good life. This is as potent an argument for the recognition
of God's existence as any with which I am acquainted."
in a Post-Kantian World (1961)
"The assumption of God is man's refusal to concede that he stands alone
in an unsympathetic universe."
in a Post-Kantian World (1961)
"A certain school of theologians will have no difficulty in assuming God
as the artificer and creator of nature and will find in the existence of natural
beauty evidence as to a part of the Divine design in bringing about the creation.
A person with agnostic tendencies, like myself, at least as far as the phenomenal
order is concerned, while he may grant the possibility of the theological view,
will likewise seek an explanation of natural beauty that is more naturalistic.
The suggestion is, accordingly, made that beauty does not require a creator
but only a perceiver. There may or may not be a creator, but there must be a
perceiver, even if it is only the creator experiencing the beauty of his creation."
and Aesthetic Value (1964)
"Darwin had completely lost any belief in revealed religion by 1837, the
year in which he began to investigate the species problem, and he viewed the
church purely as a social and sociological institution. His view of nature seemed
to render so unlikely the existence of a supervising Deity that he regarded
natural theology as a matter of no interest.
and Chambers ... and Asa Gray
...did not 'sell God short,' as Darwin seemed to be doing, but realized that
a truly omniscient omnipotent Deity could control and foreordain the world through
the medium of the 'chance' phenomena that science seemed to be discovering.
For them ... there was no such thing as real 'chance' but only events with so
far undeciphered causation.
"Finally there
were the clergymen like Buckland and Sedgwick and Whewell. They were genuine
scientists to a degree, but they likewise were profoundly motivated by a belief
in Revelation and this set bounds for them that they were able to surpass, if
at all, only with real anguish of mind and spirit. The animal origin of man
was an idea that was for them so definitely out of bounds that there were virtually
no mental gymnastics they would not engage in to sustain its denial."
Lyell and Nineteenth Century Evolution (1963)
"I suggest this attitude toward immortality: one cannot experience either
his own beginning or his own end, hence from a positivistic viewpoint he is
immortal... However, if such a view does not satisfy, one may accept the orthodox
type of immortality with Cicero's reflection that, if one is wrong, he will
never know about it!"
and the Crisis (1947)
"The benefits of religion are in nearly complete measure realized by believing
in them, whereas no amount of belief in a democratic Utopia would seem to be
efficacious in the absence of a corresponding actually existent political system!"
and the Crisis (1947)
"If the state is to keep its hands off religious affairs, persons interested
in religion must likewise refrain from allowing their particular systems of
religious mythology to interfere with the obligation of state supported schools
to put students in touch with generally established scientific and historical
in a Post-Kantian World (1961)
"...ill did it betide our cave ancestor if he pondered too long over the
classification of the saber-tooth that was about to devour him. The abstraction
'fearful beast - run' was of the utmost urgency!"
Logical Basis of the Species Concept (1941)
"Science is organized critical knowledge. Its fundamental assumption is
that of the approximate uniformity of experience. On the basis of precise observations...
it seeks to establish generalizations or hypotheses, which it proceeds to confirm
or modify by the discovery of additional data."
and the Crisis (1943)
"Take care of the facts and the principles will take care of themselves!
Moreover, I say this because of no lack of solicitude for the principles, but
because of conviction that concern for principles alone is like building a house
on a foundation of sand and tends to result in barren scholasticism. Sufficiently
penetrating pondering of the facts leads to the only sort of generalization
that is worth while."
and the University (1947)
"Science is primarily a matter of facts and observation, and inadequate
theories founded on true observations are more significant than true theories
that are simply jumps in the dark, without adequate facts behind them."
review in The Biologist 18(1): 68 (1936)
"Recently, in the course of the prosecution of his research, the editor
had occasion to refer to a memoir the authors of which are continually getting
lost in wonder at the ignorance and obtuseness of nearly all their predecessors!
By inference, we are asked to marvel at the perfect state of knowledge of these
present authors. What has been missed ... is the relativity of all scientific
in The Biologist, 41(3-4): 67 (1959)
"The person who has determined that he is sufficiently interested in science
to devote a portion of his life to its study and advancement has taken an important
step. He has decided that life for him means something more than eating, sleeping,
and reproduction, that he is going to participate in the great human adventure
of attempting to understand the world."
to Research (1938)
"One's house may be just as shabby this year as last, one's job may be
no better... But if there are just a few more specimens in the collection, if
one's knowledge on certain points is just a little more adequate, life is not
entirely meaningless."
to Research (1938)
"The spectacle of a person interested in knowledge for its own sake is
to most individuals perplexing. The instinct of the herd is to suspicion and
then to expel a nonconforming member... Those who are closest are frequently
the least understanding: a mother, a spouse, a child. They do not understand
us, but they love us. And the more they love us the more do they fail to grasp
our devotion to what seems to them so strange and so alien... 'There now, dear,
put away the bugs!' Comes morning, or next week, or next month, and one takes
up the task where it was left. Nothing lost - to all outward appearance. Yet,
'art is long and time is fleeting' and the funeral drums of the poet are sounding
in our ears."
to Research (1938)
"If Darwin had waited to get well before continuing with his studies,
The Origin of Species would never have been written."
to Research (1938)
"Difficult as it may be for us to believe, British geology during these
years in which some of the basic principles of the science were being laid,
was to a considerable extent the avocation of the leisure hours of clergymen."
Lyell and Nineteenth Century Evolution (1963)
"Verily, among the socially imposed obstacles to research, none is greater
than femininity! ... Her family, her husband's family, her friends alike may
view with distrust not unmixed with amusement, the spectacle of a woman interested
in something other than babies, cooking, and bridge."
to Research (1938)
"Science is organized knowledge. This is platitudinous, but it is frequently
forgotten by the science historian, who drapes the most isolated and inconsequential
observations as science."
of Eresos as an Economic Entomologist (1938)
"Control of scientific activity that attempts to dictate its conclusions
in advance is so absurd that one would not suppose it would ever occur. But
anthropology in the hands of the Nazis, genetics under the Communists, and history
in the hands of totalitarians of whatever persuasion are evidences of its attempt."
Human Predicament and the Nature of Knowledge (1964)
"Science does not offer a solution to all of life's problems. It is a
specialized field that has proven vastly effective in giving man an understanding
and control of certain features of his environment. It is, however, neither
an esthetics nor a religion. Let it be kept in its place."
to Research (1938)
"I am conservative or radical enough to hold that the most important reason
for the study of science is to obtain an ever increasing appreciation of the
wonder and beauty of the phenomenal world."
Human Predicament and the Nature of Knowledge (1964)
"Now it seems probable that the first living thing arose by the coming
together of atoms in the initial environment into such a pattern that it started
producing replicas of itself! If we ask why the sterile culture medium does
not spontaneously swarm with living things, the answer is that the proper combination
of atoms is so improbable that within the time and space limits of the culture
medium it is quite unlikely to occur. It is so unlikely, in fact, that if such
an event were ever reported by a laboratory worker, it would be put down to
prevarication on his part, to contamination from some outside source, or to
some other sort of error."
Place in Nature (1959)
"The explosive nature of the reproductive capacity of organisms is frequently
not appreciated. I have calculated that if all the progeny of a single individual
of a certain one-celled micro-organism (Paramecium) that divides about
600 times a year were to survive, about two months would be required to turn
all the available food materials in the world into organisms of this single
type. Thereupon, there would be nothing left for them to do except to eat each
is Man? (1944)
"Paramecium, a one-celled animal, with the capacity of dividing
fifty times a month could convert all available materials into living matter
in about sixty days. Actually, however, the rate would be much slower because
of their slow rate of locomotion. If a Paramecium can swim one millimeter
in one minute, it would take on the order of 40,000 years for one to swim half
way around the earth!"
Place in Nature (1959)
"No single type of organisms can exist alone simply by eating others of
its own kind or their own waste products any more than the proverbial washer-women
can live by taking in each other's laundry!"
"An animal dies. Bacterial decomposition gets under way. The vultures
and jackals assemble for the feast. Or the beetles and flies fly in and the
carcass becomes a heaving mass of maggots. Repugnant to our noses and disgusting
to our sight! But to the higher aesthetic sensibilities the marvelous and intricate
provision of nature for continuing the existence of living things on the planet."
and Aesthetic Value (1964)
"I thus suggest the following six biological principles: (1) the Aristotle-Darwin
principle of the universality of adaptation. (2) The Redi-Pasteur principle
that organisms arise only as the result of the reproduction of nearly similar
parents. (3) Linnaeus's principle that living organisms exist as discrete species.
(4) The Lavoisier principle that living things are physico-biochemical systems.
(5) The cell theory of Schleiden and Schwann that cells are the structural and
functional units of living things. (6) Darwin's principle that species have
arisen through the evolution by natural selection of nearly similar but slightly
different species. I suggest that every living thing can be confidently - and
virtually a priori - held to exemplify each of these principles without
empirical investigation."
Principles (1967)
"Life itself is a complex disequilibrium, now of growth over decay, now
of decay over growth. The only equilibrium a living system can hope for is its
own death!"
and Politics (1943)
"This fall I have been giving Evolution (Zoology 16) for the first time,
and find it quite stimulating."
No. 4, December 1947
"...in June 1837, six months after his return to England, he opened a
notebook on the nature and origin of species. For 16 months he plodded along
assembling fact and speculation... In October 1838, as he tells it, he read
with no serious purpose in mind the Essay on Population by Thomas Malthus,
which had been published about 35 years before. And then, in a single intuitional
and creative flash of genius, the theory of natural selection was born in Darwin's
mind. Assuming that the unlimited tendency for population increase, which Malthus
had so carefully documented for man, applied to all organisms, Darwin saw that
this implied a struggle for existence which would tend to bring about a natural
selection of any favorable heritable variations."
Work with Plants (1968)
"There is something about plants that seemed to make students of plant
science more willing than the zoologist to accept a mechanistic explanation
of their origin. Plants lack anything resembling the psyche or 'soul,' so that
botanists have been able to agree to a mechanistic explanation without feeling
that they were endangering their own 'immortal souls!' At any rate, whatever
the explanation, botanists have accepted mechanistic theories of evolution when
zoologists, confronted by the enormous complexity of the animal's nervous system,
have hesitated."
Work with Plants (1968)
"Now most mutations are probably lethal to the organism in which they
occur. Most of the rest are in varying degree unfavorable and are eliminated
by natural selection. A few only are favorable to the organism and permitted
to survive. The result is, however, that under the pressure of the geometrical
ratio of increase and struggle for existence these few favorable mutations tend
to be preserved and evolution is the result. It can thus be seen that a tendency
toward evolution was implicit and consequent upon the properties of the first
Place in Nature (1959)
"There are, however, always important portions of every organism over
which selection effects no influence, and these are subject to degenerative
changes in accordance with the principle that the loss of genes is more frequent
than their gain."
Important Factor in Evolution (1941)
"Darwin's Origin of Species brought together biological fields
that had previously stood in more or less unrelated isolation. Morphology, embryology,
taxonomy, ecology, zoogeography, paleontology, and the study of plants and animals
under domestication were seen to be involved in unsuspected interrelationships.
The idea of evolution, in its turn, reacted powerfully on each of the subject
matters that originally went into it, as well as stimulated developments in
other fields."
Inter-Relationships of the Biological Sciences (1948)
"It is no longer a question of whether man can be derived from ape, but
rather a matter of at just what point in our fossil series ape leaves off and
man begins."
and the Crisis (1943)
"The species concept, then, represented the first great generalization
of modern biology - biology at an eighteenth century level. It was a static
preliminary generalization before evolutional thought and the creation of the
science of chemistry opened the way for biology's further development in the
centuries that followed. 'Static' and 'eighteenth century' are fighting words
in many vocabularies. Especially is this true in the case of biology, where
evolutionism and the experimental method have resulted in such rich scientific
harvests. But one is entitled to remember that these studies require the firm
descriptive basis that it is the function of the species concept to give."
Logical Basis of the Species Concept (1941)
"The scope of the research collection is much more extensive. ...there
is no limit to the number of specimens of a type it should involve. It recognizes
that a species is only an induction based on individual specimens and that the
larger the series the more valid the induction becomes."
the Insect Collection (1926)
"The binomial nomenclature overreaches itself when it pretends to name
the remains of organisms whose affinities are undiscoverable or at least undiscovered."
"...the pervasiveness of evolution and ... the probability that no two
individuals are ever precisely the same, so that the variety-namer would end
up by assigning a separate designation to every specimen!"
study of color pattern...in Coleoptera (1948)
"Darwin showed that only individuals exist, and taxonomists followed by
insisting on basing their studies on ever-increasing series of specimens."
"The notion that only individuals exist presented taxonomists with a sheer
relativity, that since no two individuals are precisely the same, could end
logically only with attaching a separate name to each specimen."
in Taxonomy (1946)
"The individuals on which one establishes his species must be living organisms
functioning and reproducing in an actual environment. Dead specimens are significant
only as they represent such living organisms, and any induction based on such
specimens is at least once removed from the living organisms themselves. I still
remember the expression of dismay with which one of my students once countered
that, if such were the case, I didn't have a single species in all the many
boxes of my beetle collection!"
Logical Basis of the Species Concept (1941)
"I discover a new species. One, two, three, five specimens on the cork
in front of me are the only examples known. Is the species those very examples?
Or is it the description of those specimens that I publish? Or is it the more
adequate description of those and sufficiently similar specimens that one of
my successors may some day publish...? Or are we on the wrong track altogether
and is the species none of these things, but the sum total of all the sufficiently
similar individuals of this type that are living, that have lived, or that will
live, irrespective of any one's description?"
Logical Basis of the Species Concept (1941)
"I have myself had the experience of giving long and careful study to
a series of specimens that I suspected of being composite. I was led finally
to the view that I had a single variable species; and then another author divided
my 'species' into four which I was at once able to recognize as indubitably
Logical Basis of the Species Concept (1941)
"Nothing is gained by an indefinite increase in the number of the higher
primary categories of our classification except an inflation of the taxonomic
currency. No one, the author is convinced, really knows the difference between
a family and a subfamily, a genus and a subgenus."
of the Pacific Northwest, part 1, introduction (1953)
"The principal difference between species and intraspecific forms of all
sorts is that the former are characterized by an absence of intermediates, at
least in theory."
on Silphinae with a Note on Intraspecific Variations (1940)
"Species of living things are the result of massive discontinuities in
the types of organisms existing at any one period of earth history."
Deduction of Evolution from the General Properties of Living Matter (1950)
"...a growing tendency in the last thirty or forty years to employ genital
characters in distinguishing species, and some authors go to the extreme of
regarding their figures of the genitalia as sufficient exposition of the differences
involved without supplementary verbalization."
"In accordance with his usual custom, Casey
described a large number of species founded on slight differences in size and
proportions. In my opinion these are all to be regarded as varieties or synonyms.
Taxonomy loses rather than gains by the sort of analysis that Casey attempted.
While there are, undoubtedly, in nature genuine species to be distinguished
only by the vague distinctions that Casey insisted upon, such species are not
to be detected by ordinary methods of taxonomic analysis. We can well afford
to assume that slight differences in size and proportion constitute individual
variation until detailed biological investigations shall have shown that the
organisms concerned possess indubitable and constant differences in life-cycle
or habitat or exhibit kyesamechania, which is to say germinal incompatibility."
pennsylvanicus Group of Harpalus (1932)
"He may well have been the 'research assistant' in some of those [Aristotle's]
studies and have shared the fate of many another research assistant - that of
doing much of the work and receiving none of the credit."
of Eresos as an Economic Entomologist (1938)
"At the age of 13 he decided to give his life to the collection and study
of beetles. Two years later he was carrying a musket for the republic. He rose
to be general of a division and Aide de Camp to Napoleon, and acquired both
power and riches that survived the fall of the Empire. But he never wavered
in his search for beetles. His soldiers called him the French equivalent of
the 'bughouse general.'"
(1946), about Count P. F. M. August Dejean (1780-1845)
"The time had arrived when coleopterists looked with increasing suspicion
upon differences founded upon color or color pattern. Differences in proportion
and sculpture were regarded as more significant. Casey took up with this tendency
and carried it toward its logical conclusion, until at the time of his death
he had published 8621 pages describing almost as many Nearctic species as all
other coleopterists together."
Lincoln Casey as a Coleopterist (1926)
"His interests were all in the direction of analysis. A species for him
was an extremely limited group admitting little or no variation. He took evolution
seriously. He decried as attacks on the inviolability of the binomial nomenclature
... the tendency ... to regard a species as a group of organisms extending over
a considerable area and involving numerous subspecies and varieties ... This
was loose thinking."
Lincoln Casey as a Coleopterist (1926)
"Casey must be regarded as a prophet of the infinite complexity of taxonomic
coleopterology. He started out with the certainty that he could describe species.
He described for forty years, and was on the verge of intellectual bankruptcy
when he died. He had begun to see things that he could not describe."
Lincoln Casey as a Coleopterist (1926)
"The theory and logic of the law had attracted him. In practice he found
it to involve such extensive elements of chicanery and dissimulation that he
was permanently alienated from it."
Life of Orson
Bennett Johnson (1950)
"Darwin, like many of us lesser figures, was a great procrastinator."
Work with Plants (1968)
"Gray's religion,
apparently, involved no bibliolatry or otherwise interfered with the strictest
scientific handling of biological data, and he was quite willing to wait on
the results of the scientific investigation of species and their origin."
and against Darwin - Asa Gray
and Louis Agassiz
error was, in part, a philosophical one. He failed to appreciate the import
for biology of the discovery that the physical sciences had already made, that
science by its very methods cannot penetrate to the inner essences of things.
Galileo had run onto the principle two hundred years before and Hume and Kant
had formulated the matter philosophically in the eighteenth century. The issue
was not whether there is a God behind nature - there may be or there may not
- but whether, even if there is, the methods of science have any power to discover
what His intentions in regard to the world are. In reality, the divine designs
that Agassiz asserted to discover in nature were simply hypotheses in Agassiz'
mind. As such they were, of course, far from valueless. Agassiz was as learned
as any zoologist of his generation. But, like all hypotheses, even Agassiz'
hypotheses were valid only until better ones could be devised."
and against Darwin - Asa Gray
and Louis Agassiz
"Keen's next paper was entitled Three Interesting Staphylinidae from
Queen Charlotte Islands... It is most noteworthy for its remarks on a beetle
that Fauvel had suggested be called Haida keeni, named for the Indians
with whom Keen was working and for Keen himself. Fauvel himself, however, had
never gotten around to describe the species in print, so that Keen's interesting
but taxonomically most inadequate remarks constitute the original description
of both genus and species, and resulted in Keen being in the anomalous position
of naming a species after himself!"
Memoir of the Rev. John Henry Keen (1957)
"Two years ago this June there sat in my office for the first and last
time Cyrus Crosby, extension entomologist of Cornell University and one of the
two or three outstanding American arachnologists... He confided in me that he
was in reality an entomologist only until five o'clock in the afternoon. Then
he got up and went around to the other side of his desk and became an arachnologist!
...And then, less than a year later, at the age of only 56, at the height of
his scientific achievement, Cy Crosby dropped dead at a scientific meeting in
Rochester. Nor was I surprised. He was an enormous man, about as broad as he
was tall. His heart had simply refused longer to service that mountain of flesh."
to Research (1938)
"Mrs. Fender's interest in insects is authentic. She reports 'playing
with caterpillars until the fuzz wore off - this at the ripe old age of four!'"
Century of Entomology in the Pacific Northwest (1949)
"July 26 [1949, M.C.] Lane drove [Horace] Lanchester and me to Wallowa
Lake in northeastern Oregon. There we met James H. Baker. ...Baker is another
very energetic fellow, and at Wallowa Lake he and Lane soon disappeared up
the trail, leaving Lanchester and me far far behind!"
and Coleoptera Collections in the Pacific Northwest (1951)
"...specimens collected and labeled by him always had this peculiarity:
they never carried his name as collector. He felt it to be self-seeking to attach
his own name in this way. Such a notation always indicated a label prepared
by someone else."
Kincaid as an Entomologist (1971)
"But to pin Kincaid
down to oysters or copepods or maple trees is impossible. He is a naturalist
in the broadest sense of the term."
at the University of Washington (1939)
"After his retirement in 1947, Kincaid
astonished us by fitting out and operating a hand printing press. He called
it the Calliostoma Press (after a snail) and from 1951 to 1961 or after, proceeded
to print long overdue reports on copepods and Thais snails... One day
he mentioned that he would like to print a series of papers on the fauna of
the Willapa Harbor area. The writer suggested starting with the beetles. The
result was that Kincaid assembled his many summers' collecting in the area,
and the writer did so with the collections he had made there from time to time,
and spent a weekend in the area in 1957 adding about 50 species to the list.
The result was a list of 493 species, the longest local list of beetles produced
up to that time from the Pacific Northwest. The method of production revealed
Kincaid at work as a printer in his mid-eighties. He would set a single page
of text. Mrs. Kincaid would proof read it. Then he would bring the proof to
the writer on the campus and, having run the page, redistribute the type and
do another page. The result was that the 21 page paper is virtually free of
typographical errors."
Kincaid as an Entomologist (1971)
was, however, only peripherally concerned with theological and political matters.
It was enough that the world was a wonderful place in which to live."
Kincaid as an Entomologist (1971)
"No finer monument than this exists to the British at the apogee of their
imperial and industrial power.'"
(1955), about the beetle volumes of Biologia
"Too frequently we confine our quotations from our forerunners to the
things that agree with what we now hold. Sometimes we can learn as much from
the mistakes of our predecessors as from their positive achievements. And remembering
their mistakes may help us to remember that we too may be making mistakes that
will look equally foolish to those who come after us!"
and against Darwin - Asa Gray
and Louis Agassiz (1962)
"Man is a large-brained two-legged terrestrial ape."
and the Evolution of Man (1946)
"There are fine spun theories about woman's inferiority to man. ... What
such theorists lack is a little zoology. ... There is nothing more natural about
the dependent status of women in matrimony than there was natural about the
institution of Negro slavery."
to Research (1938)
"I have been profoundly impressed by the Spengler-Toynbee cyclical interpretation
of history, regarding it as one of the most important discoveries of the present
Place in Nature (1959)
"If man is ever to escape the squirrel cage of unending cycles, he must
first determine the nature and structure of his trap!"
Place in Nature (1959)
"Let the student of collectivism among men consider the ant before he
goes too far ... The social insect, with its stereotyped behavior and its unthinking
mass action is frequently held up as an object lesson to be regarded with aversion.
But it is the insect part of the ant's nature that repels us rather than the
social part. Certainly no one wants to be an ant, but would one be any more
enthusiastic about being a beetle? Yet that latter insect is nothing if not
a rugged individualist! ... The cooperative way of doing things is vastly more
efficient than the individual way. Further than this the evidence from insect
societies does not go. Man's life is governed by reason and experience rather
than by inherited patterns of behavior."
and Politics (1943)
"Both the United States and Russia prides itself that its polity is the
last word in adequate democratic political organization and that its philosophy
gives it the key to understanding and dominating nature. Each regards its rival
as representing irresponsible tyranny and as the victim of a philosophy of illusion
and self-deception. Each has glaring flaws in its own social structure, but
each distracts attention from its own faults by a never ending insistence on
the defects of its rival."
Place in Nature (1959), on the Cold War
"We hope, of course, for the prolongation of relative inaction; and perhaps
the contemplated horrors of atomic war may serve as a deterrent; but all the
experience of history favors the tragic forecast that eventually - in months,
years, or decades - the situation will degenerate into World War III."
Natural History of the Crisis (1953), on the Cold War
"What of the outcome?
"Perhaps man
will sterilize the planet! The second law of thermodynamics will then take over
pending a new biological creation!
"Perhaps man
will do no more than destroy his civilization, and leave a chastened humbled
humanity to reflect on its folly and try anew!
"Perhaps man
will master his new military weapons as he has his others, and the outcome will
be a victory for Russian or American world-imperialism. I personally hold this
to be the most likely outcome, with the odds in favor of an American victory.
"Or, perhaps,
finally the tiger and the lion will lie down together in peace, and the instabilities
inherent in the situation will express themselves in peaceful political and
social change. Since Mr. Truman was reelected president anything is possible,
but I hold such an eventuality to be unlikely.
we must live our lives as though atom bombs did not exist! I busy myself with
trying further to perfect my understanding of our crisis and with writing a
book on the beetles of the Pacific Northwest!"
Biologist Views the Crisis (1949), on the Cold War
"Until politics becomes an experimental science there will probably be
no effective control for our political troubles. I admit that I do not see just
how we might try to begin to experiment in political affairs. I do not even
suggest that the dangers might not outrun the immediate advantages. But I do
feel certain that if we want to make politics a practical science, we must start
experimenting sometime."
and Politics (1943)
"What is the good for which men strive? Is it exhausted by the attainment
of food, clothing, shelter, security, and human companionship for one's self,
one's fellows, and one's children? If so, then man is not only an animal,
but he is only an animal!"
Natural Sciences and the Crisis (1944)
"The end and aim of organic matter appears to reside in this - production
of more of its own kind. Let us remember this as we see human societies struggling
with one another and then, if successful, growing and growing in ever widening
circles until they meet untoward factors and decline or fall in ruin. Such societies
are simply repeating the tendency of all organisms to increase in size. Human
societies suffer one drawback, however, as compared with organisms - they have
not discovered a satisfactory method of reproduction."
is Man? (1944)
"Yet the biologist most emphatically would not close the door on the possibility
of further human evolution. Someday somewhere 'superman' may arise! Biology
will not be surprised if he does! It has happened so frequently to other biological
species in the past. Nor would biology be surprised if the human race should
simply die out - for one species in nature that evolves, many simply become
extinct! The very perfection of human adaptation - the widespread standardization
of basic type which anthropology insists upon - the quickness with which humans
resent and eliminate any marked deviation from type - these may well be factors
making for the species' eventual extermination rather than its evolution!"
is Man? (1944)
"Geologically speaking, the influence of civilized man on the beetle fauna
is an event of the most recent occurrence. It is in general one of restriction
and redistribution rather than of extermination. Through the reclamation of
vast areas for agriculture and through commerce man makes it possible for a
few species enormously to extend their range and increase their numbers. At
the same time he causes other species to become greatly reduced in numbers and
retreat to the hedge-rows and other restricted situations. It is probably but
rarely that man brings about the extermination of a species..."
"Too many people are just as bad as too many caterpillars or rabbits or
weeds or what have you. They clog and devastate the landscape just as the lower
animals do and press on the means of sustenance of each other, until, as Malthus
points out, malnutrition and disease take over. Moreover, this problem of human
population has an impact on the cultural value of beetles. As will be stressed
in a subsequent paragraph, if beetles are to remain for humans to collect and
study and enjoy, the human population must not transgress the limits that will
continue to make greenbelts and parkland and woodland areas plentiful and unpolluted
streamsides and lakesides and bogs available."
Cultural Value of Beetles (1967)
"Man's object should be to live in harmony with the lesser creatures by
whom he is surrounded, not to aspire to an environment completely sterilized
of every living thing except those few species that he fancies to be of direct
utility to him!"
Aesthetic Value of Entomology (1961)
This page last updated 30 March, 2005