Album of Hay Canyon Field Trip

Selected photos from the spider collecting field trip to Hay Canyon, a tributary of the Wenatchee River north of Cashmere, Chelan County, Washington on 12 June 2007 with Laurel Ramseyer and Rod Crawford. Photos by both, as credited. Our brief visit to supplement a previous sample from the area attained its goal of 21 species, but nothing especially unusual was collected. Habitats included dense riparian foliage with bigleaf maple litter, and Ponderosa pine on the slopes, grading into meadow steppe above the canyon.

Hay Canyon spider collecting site in a 1998 USGS aerial photo bottom of Hay Canyon, Chelan County, Washington
Our collecting site in 1998     (USGS) Looking up the road; riparian zone on right      © Rod Crawford
dense riparian foliage in  Hay Canyon, Chelan County, Washington pine forest on slopes viewed from bottom of  Hay Canyon, Chelan County, Washington
Dense riparian understory    © Rod Crawford Pine forest ascends the opposite slope        © Rod Crawford
looking down  Hay Canyon, Chelan County, Washington looking up  Hay Canyon, Chelan County, Washington
Looking down canyon from rim  © Laurel Ramseyer Looking up canyon from high on west side       © Laurel Ramseyer
looking across  Hay Canyon, Chelan County, Washington view from rim of  Hay Canyon, Chelan County, Washington
Ponderosa pines         © Laurel Ramseyer View south from the west rim        © Laurel Ramseyer
Oxyopes scalaris female lynx spider Oxyopidae,  Hay Canyon, Chelan County, Washington Anaphalis margaritacea pearly-everlasting,  Hay Canyon, Chelan County, Washington
Oxyopes scalaris, lynx spider       © Rod Crawford Pearly-everlasting, Anaphalis margaritacea    © Rod Crawford
Euryopis formosa male cobweb weaver Theridiidae,  Hay Canyon, Chelan County, Washington ecotone riparian/pine forest,  Hay Canyon, Chelan County, Washington
Euryopis formosa male   © Rod Crawford Ecotone of riparian zone and pine forest         © Rod Crawford
hover fly Syrphidae,  Hay Canyon, Chelan County, Washington stony area on floor of  Hay Canyon, Chelan County, Washington
Unidentified syrphid fly     © Laurel Ramseyer Stony area on canyon floor            © Rod Crawford

This page last updated 29 March, 2012